Links and interresting stuff

This is an unordered list of information, that you might find helpful.

Flight Tracker

I am working at Lufthansa, so I tend to fly around quite a bit. To track my flights, I have created a small side-project where I can track all my flights and you can too. This tracker also gives me the opportunity to play around with web and serverless technologies.


Come and visit the Flight Tracker at Sourcecode is available on Github


AVIATAR is the digital Product I am working on. If you would like to know more about AVIATAR, the links below might be useful:


Red Hat Innovation Award

AVIATAR Launch Video

AVIATAR: User Success Stories

Awards / Partner Stories

AVIATAR won the 2018 Red Hat Innovation Award

Highly commendes in Computing News DevOps Excllence Awards

The sky’s the limit for innovation at Lufthansa Technik with Microsoft Azure